GeekTyrant Forum Rules! Please Read

by Mick Joest
If you haven't been to our new forum join the conversation here.

General Rules of the Forum: 

  1. Posts using profanity, offensive language, and/or threats are always subject to removal. This doesn't bar you from using profanity, but be warned that it can lead to your post getting removed if excessive or abusive. Repeated offenses will result in your account being removed from the forum.
  2. SPOILERS! As of now we do not have a spoiler tag to shield people from seeing them. For posters, try to include the term "Spoilers" in your thread if you ever feel it necessary to warn others before entering the discussion. As for the reader, use a little bit of common sense before entering a thread. We'll be less sympathetic to your claim if you entered the read of a recent episode you haven't seen and are now angry. 
  3. Civil discourse is encouraged. We are all adults here (for the most part) and arguments are allowed to get heated. Just don't cross the boundaries mentioned in rule 1. 
  4. Don't post porn, and if your link seems a bit risky, throw out a NSFW for the sake of those who may be in their workplace. Ultimately, your link is up to the discretion of the admins, so if it's flagged we make the call on whether it stays or goes. 
  5. Self promotion is allowed, but don't abuse the privilege. We'll let you know when you're abusing the privilege.
  6. All the rules above stated will be broken from time to time. If you see something, flag it so that the admins can handle it. 


  1.  Add SPOILERS to discussions to movies that are in development or recently released. Movies that have been on Blu Ray or DVD for 6 months or more are in the clear.
  2. Not necessarily a rule, but if you are referring to something that isn't geek common knowledge, a link is always helpful to bring others in on the conversation. 
  3. Leave memes for the Humor and Meme board.
  4. Don't post links to pirated movies. They'll be removed and you will be banned. 
  5. Posting found short films or your own content is entirely acceptable. Just don't overdo it if no one seems to be paying attention.
  6. General rules apply. 


  1. Spoiler tags for television are a bit trickier. First run episodes get the obvious spoiler tag... but in this section try not to spoil major plots of shows in the opening tagline.
  2. Any television shows and news is fair game here. Geek shows will be preferred, but of course there's some crossover television for fans various actors. 
  3. Don't post pirated links. They'll be removed and you will be banned.
  4. Refer to general rules and guidelines. 
  5. Occasionally we will host live forum streams of the shows as they run! Always watch the forums and Facebook for when this will happen.


  1. Remember all gamers move at different paces. Some of them have jobs and can't speed run through the game like you do. Keep that in mind when referencing plot points of the game.
  2. Games covers PC, Xbox, Playstation, Nintendo, and Indie. Board games not so much, but if you feel there is a need to add board games we can do that. Just email us. 
  3. Indie game developers are welcome to plug their games! Don't abuse the privilege or trick people into purchases, though. 
  4. General rules apply. 


  1. Spoilers...spoilers...spoilers. Of course you guys know how this works. 
  2. DC, Marvel, and any and all are accepted. 
  3. Fan art is accepted.  
  4. If you are looking to promote your work, do it! 
  5. All general rules and such apply. 


  1. Found and Self Cosplay is accepted. 
  2. Self Promotion is allowed, but don't over do it.
  3. Cosplay posted to the forums may used in future posts on 
  4. If your Cosplay is a tad...revealing, Please let others know before they click. 
  5. General rules apply. 

Humor and Memes

  1. No racism, sexism, or hate speech. 
  2. Profanity is much more lax here, so don't worry too much.
  3. Videos, memes, and satire are all accepted. 
  4. General rules apply...for the most part. 


  1. For any and all conventions. Pictures, video, and dialogue are all accepted! 
  2. BE WARY OF WHO YOU MEET ON THE INTERNET! We can vouch for our staff, but know next to nothing about the personal lives of our readers. Make sure to use common sense when arranging a meet up with someone on the site. 
  3. GeekTyrant will be posting here for events to meet up. Keep watching for updates. 
  4. General rules apply. 
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