10 Biggest Blockbuster Movie Mistakes You Didn't See

I'm not one of those kinds of movie watchers who notices every little mistake in the movies I see. I know a few people like that, and they are so damn critical of it. I don't know how I would be able to enjoy a movie if I was looking out for stuff like that, so I just don't do it. I try to enjoy movies for what they are regardless of any technical mistakes. 

Screen Rant has released another Top 10 video that points out ten movie mistakes in some of the biggest Hollywood blockbusters. Until I watched this video, I never noticed any of these things. Now, I'll notice them every time I watch the movies! It's an interesting video worth checking out, and this is the note that came along with it.

It’s almost impossible to release a film that doesn’t include a single flawed stunt, unexpected mistake, or even a minor plot hole most fans will overlook. When the budgets get bigger and the action sequences and running times grow along with them, the errors that can slip through are often hard to believe. And for the die-hard fans, the best bloopers can make a film worth watching all by themselves. Here are ScreenRant’s 10 Biggest Blockbuster Movie Mistakes You Didn’t See.

Check out the video below and let us know if you caught any of the movie mistakes mentioned in it. 

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