10 Hilariously Inappropriate Toys Based on Movies

Sometimes the people who come up with ideas for tie-in movie toys and consumer products have some pretty crazy brain farts. SreenRant has released a video that points out ten crazy toys and other consumer products that are ridiculously inappropriate and some of them are pretty damn funny. Some of the products on the list include the Jar-Jar Lollipop, RoboCop Board Game, Harry Potter Vibrating Broom, C-3PO Tape Dispenser, Buzz Lightyear Sippy Cup, and more. Here’s the description that came along with the video:

Studios are constantly looking for ways to maximize the profits of a popular film property, and one of the most common routes they take is licensing tie-in merchandise. This allows fans to take a part of the movie home with them, even when it’s playing in theaters. While some items – like the ever-expanding collection of Star Wars action figures – are a no-brainer, not every piece of memorabilia is as great as it sounds on paper. Over the years, there have been some yebrow raising products that stirred up plenty of controversy, and once you watch this video, you’ll be able to understand why

10 Most Inappropriate Movie Toys Ever Made Subscribe to our channel : http://goo.gl/ho3Hg6 Check Out These Other Amazing Videos: 10 Most Expensive Movie Scenes Ever Filmed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edoCrzzEavI 10 Superheroes Whose Powers Would Suck To Have In Real Life https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqjcAyrdqWc Studios are constantly looking for ways to maximize the profits of a popular film property, and one of the most common routes they take is licensing tie-in merchandise.

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