15-Minutes of R-Rated Battle Scenes from THE HOBBIT: THE BATTLE OF THE FIVE ARMIES
As you know, the upcoming release of the Extended Edition of The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies was slapped with an R-rating. Today we have 15-minutes of newly added footage for the film for you to watch that helped up its rating to "R." As you'll see, the blood factor has been increased considerably.
Oh! And remember that cowardly jack-ass Alfrid? Well, now you get to see what happened to that guy after he escaped with the gold. His fate isn't pretty. That scene happens near the end of the video clip.
The video footage was posted by YouTube user Joshalots, and unfortunately, the frame and bit rate isn't the greatest. It's still entertaining to watch, though, because the whole thing is part of the epic end battle sequence. I thought there was some really great stuff here, so I hope you enjoy the footage!
Via: CBM