Jolie to star in "Atlas Shrugged"

by Billy Fisher

I am from the school of reading a book before it is made into a movie.  I like to compare my vision of the story to how the director visioned it.  It makes the whole experience more intriguing.  I just got done reading "Shutter Island", next on the list is "The Curious Case of Benjamin Buttons", and I am going to have to put "Atlas Shrugged" on the list.

This book is written by Ayn Rands and was published in 1957.  Before today, I have to say, I have heard nothing about either the author or the book.  But through the research I have been doing I have to say that I am interested.  I have looked up a few synopsis' for this story.  Because they all seemed pretty detailed I figured I would give you the jist of what I have found. 

The story is about Dagny Taggart, a railroad heiress who is struggling to keep her company afloat.  Every time she thinks she has solved her problems, even more pop up.  She starts seeing a pattern in her problems.  Every problem seems to have the same question attached to it: Who is John Galt?.  As her search for the answer to this question goes on, she finds that everything she knows and believes is being challenged.

This sounds like a very captivating story and I can't wait to read the book. 

MTV Movies Blog has interviewed Angelina Jolie, who is scheduled to play Dagny, how she felt about this project.  Jolie is quoted as saying the project is a "once in a lifetime" oppertunity.  There are also rumors that Russell Crowe and Brad Pitt will be involved in this film.  Vadim Perelman, director of "House of Sand and Fog", will be taking the helm of this film.  If this is the real cast of the film, then I will be extremely excited.  I will base my opinion on the story as soon as I read the book.  As more info rolls in I will keep you updated.  Until then, let me know what you think.

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