'The Dark Knight'! Film Clips Galore! 12 to be Exact
Venkman Here - IESB.net has 12 exclusive video Clips from the upcoming Batman Movie 'The Dark Knight' I am so pumped for this film. It is going to make a massive amount of money! The Midnight Shows being sold on Fandango.com are already selling out! Its incredible! To be honest with you I only watch 3 of these film clips and with great self control stopped myself. I want to get the full experience of this movie when I see it on the big screen in IMAX. I don't want to know anymore than what I have already seen. The 3 clips I watched were amazing. Clips 1, 8, and 12. Clips 8 and 12 involve the Joker. Look, Heath ledger is going to be nominated for an Oscar for this. Everything I have seen of him is nothing short of Fantastic. If you dont have any self control and can't help yourself Then Click on the pic below which will take you to IESB for some Dark Knight Greatness!