Robert Downey Jr. Tells DC to F-ck Off

by Joey Paur

Venkman here - Ya gotta love Robert Downey Jr. For telling it the way it is. He recently talked to Moviehole about his role in 'Tropic Thunder' it them moved on to what he thought of 'The Dark knight' Here is what he had to say:

"My whole thing is that that I saw 'The Dark Knight'. I feel like I'm dumb because I feel like I don't get how many things that are so smart. It's like a Ferrari engine of storytelling and script writing and I'm like, 'That's not my idea of what I want to see in a movie.' I loved 'The Prestige' but didn't understand 'The Dark Knight'. Didn't get it, still can't tell you what happened in the movie, what happened to the character and in the end they need him to be a bad guy. I'm like, 'I get it. This is so high brow and so f--king smart, I clearly need a college education to understand this movie.' You know what? F-ck DC comics. That's all I have to say and that's where I'm really coming from."

Wow... soooo, I guess you wont be making any movies with DC comics anytime soon, but then why would you? I gotta be honest, I didn't see that coming. He really didn't like Dark Knight! Crazy. Do you think Christian Bale and Robert Downey Jr. should duke it out? A Batman Vs. Iron Man movie perhaps? He goes on tho say:

"You know, you're never too old to burn your bridges because I believe I have offended everyone," he says, laughingly. "I think I've got a couple more. 'I'll burn that bridge when I come to it' is my favourite phrase I've ever coined."

So there it is. Robert didn't like 'The Dark knight' and he has a beef with 'DC Comics'.


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