The Best Part of the Emmy's is......

by Billy Fisher

Josh Groban?!

Who would've thunk it.  The automaton with the booming voice showed us a different side of himself last night at the Emmy's.  Either he has learned some new tricks or someone has tampered with his programming. 

Honestly, this was the only bright light of the whole show.  I normally don't watch the Emmy's, but I had nothing better to do.  I am now glad that I watched it.  Don Rickles was hilarious, and Steve Martin was his normal funny self.  But I have to say that this was not only funny, but entertaining as well.  Watch this and let me know what you think. 


 Now I want to hear other singers sing TV Theme Songs.  That would be great.  If I find anything else that will entertain the masses I will bring it to as soon as I can.  Until then...

McMurphy Out!

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