Six New G.I. JOE Movie Posters

by Joey Paur

Hey gang! I thought I would start the day off by sharing five new posters from the upcoming Stephen Sommers, James Bond inspired version of the classic 80's cartoon, born out of the 1960's 12" action figures 'G.I. JOE' movie. Here we have Snake Eyes, Scarlet, Duke, Baroness, Storm Shadow, and Marlon Waynes. What is up with the top of the characters heads being cut off?  Since these posters are showing off the G.I. Joe uniform, I think these posters would be much better If the characters wore some different costumes with some personality in them instead of all wearing the same damn thing. At lease Storm Shadow is has a white costume. But whatever, I am just a G.I. Joe fan movie blogger with a vast imagination. Check out the posters below.






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