Director Roland Emmerich Planning INDEPENDENCE DAY Part 2 AND Part 3?

Movie Roland Emmerich by Joey Paur


It's been thirteen long years since aliens invaded the world and destroyed all of our landmarks in the first Independence Day. So what happened after aliens destroyed everything and we destroyed the aliens? We rebuilt dammit! Thats what we do! We rebuilt everything that the aliens destroyed, just so they could come back two more times and destroy everything all over again. I love movies.

Director Roland Emmerich recently did an interview with MTV where he gives a brief explanation on what he wants to do.

What we want to do in the next – it's actually two movies – we want to do a bigger arc. Independence Day was always like the king who leads his troops into battle against an evil force, and that stays like that.

There is no script yet but he offers a title for the sequels: ID4-ever. Bam! He just did that!

There's an idea, the idea is just to continue the story and actually I don't know how many years ago this was—twelve, thirteen, fourteen years ago—and just continue where it ended.

It ended with Pullman and Smith's victory over the invading aliens. I wonder what a rebuilt White House would look like. Emmerich didn't give any crazy plot details away, probably because he doesn't have any yet. It seems like with this guy, it's all about what looks cool on the big screen. Emmerich did say that Will Smith will be involved if the project. He ends by saying,

One day we will do it and that the story will stay firmly on the planet. It's always about earth and that earth gets invaded.

So, please share! What do you think about this little bit of sequel information?

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