Bruckheimer and Disney producing Haas and Brandt's adaptation of ALIEN LEGION
With Star Trek and District 9 reigning in the big-screen sci-fi glory this year, news comes that Alien Legion, the longest continuously running series in the history of 1980s Marvel imprint Epic Comics, is currently being adapted for the big screen.
Launched in 1984, Alien Legion has developed a cult following over the past 25 years. The series redefined the military science-fiction genre, telling tales of war and space exploration through the eyes of a rough-and-tumble intergalactic foreign legion. USAtoday(from which this news comes), describes Alien Legion as a mix of a much grittier Star Trek blended with The Dirty Dozen and Kelly's Heroes.
Derek Haas revealed that he and his Wanted, 3:10 to Yuma and A-Team writing partner Michael Brandt are reworking the Alien Legion script for Jerry Bruckheimer and Disney.
Series creator Carl Potts confirmed this, and believes Bruckheimer is the type of producer who could do a great job on a film version of Legion, saying:
Alien Legion has been optioned for some time. The script is currently in its third rewrite. Bruckheimer's never done a science-fiction before, so that challenge, I think, is something that would hold his interest. The success they've had with blending CGI and live-action characters in The Pirates of the Caribbean series could translate easily to an Alien Legion film.
Along with the release of the Alien Legion compilations, a new four-issue comic book series will be coming out from Dark Horse in 2010.
Potts is excited about the film and new comic development, but also sees far more potential in the property:
I really see this as having franchise potential. Films, books, TV and video games —Legion's one of those properties that would work well in any medium.
Will the 2010 resurrection of ALIEN LEGION become the next big name in the world of science fiction? If you're a fan of the series, what are your thoughts on the people developing it? Can Disney produce a faithful adaptation of this comic?