Sigourney Weaver Reveals some GHOSTBUSTERS 3 Spoilers
Sigourney Weaver recently did an interview with Channel 4 news in the UK to talk about the upcoming James Cameron film Avatar. During the interview she started talking about Ghostbusters 3 which is currently prepping up for production. It's been kinda quite on the Ghostbusters 3 news front but today we bring you something that is definitely worth talking about.
Now, I'm a huge Ghostbusters fan and I am looking forward to a fantastic third movie I've been wanting to see one for years (as long as it's as good or better than the original.) I'm gonna be pissed if it sucks.
So here is what Weaver had to say:
I don't know if I'm going to be in it, I have had a couple of calls asking 'would you read the script.'
Well, it sounds like she did read the script because she offers some pretty major and interesting story details. The first one I am going to share with you is not really new news, this has been talked about before and we have discussed its possibility and I'm glad they went with it.
I know that my little son Oscar, who was kidnapped from me... I think he has grown up to be a Ghostbuster.
Oscar was the baby kidnapped in Ghostbusters 2. We actually talked about this in an article I wrote about a year ago in a previous interview with Weaver. Dan Aykroyd actually talked about it as well. Now it looks like it is confirmed, which is great! If they are bringing in a new generation of Ghostbusters, Oscar should be a part of it.
Now here is the big spoiler. This is huge, this changes the game and I'm not quite sure what to think about it:
I might be in it, I see nothing wrong with being in it, although I don't think I will have a big part. I think Bill Murray has a little more to do with it... he's a ghost.
What!? Dr. Peter Venkman a ghost in Ghostbusters 3!? They kill him off? Now this could be incredibly awesome, funny and brilliant or it could be totally ridiculous and unnecessary. I honestly can't make up my mind and I wont until I actually find out what they really are planning for this story line.
As of right now there is an early draft of the script that is floating around Hollywood. The script and story will go through several different changes and adjustments before they get this film into production. The movie wont even come out until late 2011 or early 2012 anyway. Plus, this little bit of news gives us Ghostbusters fans something to discuss over a nice warm cup of hot coffee or hot chocolate with some Stay Puft Marshmallows.
I am very interested to see Venkman as a ghost. Will he serve as an undercover ghost agent Ghostbuster that goes deep inside the ghost organization to take down the head ghost boss? Or will Oscar go around trying to bust his ass.
Who knows what it will be like, maybe all of the Ghostbusters are ghosts! Dimension hopping has been discussed before. I guess we will all eventually find out what they have planned. As of right now this information comes from a very reliable source.
So, what do you think about the latest news surrounding Ghostbusters 3?
We also have the interview for you embedded below so you can watch it if you want.