Trailer: Watchmen: Tales of the Black Freighter

by Joey Paur

Hey Gang! Looks like we get out first look at the trailer for the Watchmen 'Tales of the Black Freighter' animated DVD movie. There are a lot of people excited for this little animated film. We posted some stills from the film earlier this week and many people are kind of disappointed that they went the way of the anime. I myself think they should have taken the style in a different direction, but this is what we ended up with. Fact of the matter is we are all excited to see 'Watchmen' and all those excited to see it are going to end up watching this animated movie no matter what style they created it in because its from the world of Watchmen. Black Freighter is a story within the story of the Watchmen graphic novel. Check out the frailer below!


The DVD hits the street March 24th.


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