Quentin Tarantino Reveals he has a Half Written Prequel to INGLOURIOUS BASTERDS

by Joey Paur


I think 'Inglourious Basterds' is going to be a great movie. I guess we will find out what people think of it soon enough because it will premier at the Cannes film Festival which is currently underway. Quentin Tarantino has recently revealed that he has a prequel for the movie already to go if the first one does well! The New York Times recently did an interview with the director in which he says:

"I have a half-written prequel ready to go if this movie's a smash,"

This half-written prequel involves African-American soldiers stuck behind enemy lines. I wonder if Spike Lee will have anything to say about this if the movie gets made. Tarantino also goes on to say that his script for 'Ingourious Basterds' will be nominated in the best original screenplay category at the Oscars. One other thing that he said that I liked was:

"When you see the Germans speaking English with a German accent or sounding like British thespians, it just seems very quaint. That's one thing I don't want this film to have. If Spielberg hadn't made ‘Schindler's List' yet, I joke, I like to think that after our movie he'd be shamed into doing it in German."

That's one thing I still don't understand about most WWII movies, whats up with the German having English accents? They are German! England was fighting against them.  The interview that Tarantino gives is a really interesting read so I suggest you give it go.

It's hard to say weather or not you want to see a prequel to 'Inglourious Basterds' yet because we still have yet to see the first one. But I cant wait to see it!


Soucre: New York Times Via Playlist

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