THE GOONIES Sequel still possible Goonies Never Say Die!

by Eli Reyes


Quite a few false alarms have been pulled over the years on a sequel to the 1985 classic The Goonies. Even with the cast reuniting for the upcoming 25th Anniversary DVD release of The Goonies, talk of a sequel quickly fell victim to the reality of scheduling conflicts with the film's cast. Several members of the cast are retired, and Sean Astin and Josh Brolin may have been kids back then, but now they're household names or at the very least faces.

But it looks like the wheels are finally in motion for a new adventure for our beloved gang of Goon Dock inhabitants. Chris Columbus, who wrote the screenplay for the Steven Spielberg conceived story The Goonies, and who also directed a couple of films with the name Harry Potter in them(1 and 2),  has said that Goonies Director Richard Donner might actually be  working on reassembling the cast!

[Pantoliano] said that Richard Donner talked to him about six months ago about the sequel.

Said Columbus of Goonies baddie Joe Pantoliano, whom Columbus is currently directing in Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief.


There's a magical feel to movies of that era that is almost impossible to recapture. How do you go about continuing the story of the The Goonies when decades have passed? Columbus offered some insight saying...

I think the only way it could be done is if the kids are now the parents, and their kids have become the Goonies. I still think the two brothers are still alive and well, so they could still be in the movie. So it's a matter of whether or not they could re-create that concept.

The original centered on a group of kids who embark on an adventure of finding hidden treasure, in order to save their town. But in a world where computers and video games occupy most of kids(and parents) time, is there room for adventure? Columbus addressed that hurdle saying:

I don't know if that's possible anymore. Maybe if all the parents in the new Goonie movie forbid their kids to play on the Internet, that's gotta be the plot. You can't go anywhere near a computer or cell phone. I guess the adventures are online.

That could be a bit of a stretch. But Columbus believes that there is a new younger fan base that could help fuel the possibility of a sequel.

Most of the 20-year-olds or 23-year-olds I work with—particularly on Percy Jackson— they do have this love of the '80s, this obsession with the '80s, and they're really convinced that the '80s are this magical time. I guess part of it is what you're saying, that you could hang out and go on an adventure.

Could they ever come close to recapturing the magic? Well if Richard Donner manages to re-assemble the cast, it could at best come close. At least we can hope so. I would love to see a sequel to The Goonies, as I am just as excited with a new Ghostbusters. But this is because thus far, it's the original cast coming back for both of the franchises. Of course a lot rides on the younger casts they will inevitably pass the torch to.

So what do you think? Is a Goonies sequel still just a far away fantasy? Do you even want a sequel?

Source: SciFi Wire

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