Steve Carrell to play the late BILLY MAYS?

by Eli Reyes


Can I add two "Rumor" tags to this one? This just seems a little hard to believe, but rumors are floating around that The Office star Steve Carrell is being tagged to play pitchman Billy Mays. Mays passed away this past Sunday, from heart related complications.

I think Carell would do a fine job playing Billy Mays, and the similarities between a bearded Carell and Mays are a bit eerie. But it's just way too soon to even contemplate a movie version of Mays' life.  I hope Hollywood let's some time pass before tackling this one. Though I'm sure there is a full on race to get a movie going for Michael Jackson's life and death.


Billy Mays is most popular for his Orange Glo and Oxi-Clean infomercials, and most recently had his own reality show on the Discovery Channel called "Pitchmen".

The Daily Stab also reported that...

There are also hints at recreating some episodes of the documentary, ‘Pitchmen‘, with Anthony Sullivan’s parts to possibly be cameo by another semi-comedic actor, Owen Wilson.

As I am skeptical of these reports, as I'm sure you are, The Daily Stab is quick to note:

... please keep in mind, this is from the same tipster that told you Christian Bale is in talks to star In Terminator 4, which we took quite a beating on. We took heat for weeks and needless to say our backs were against the wall and “When I’m up against a wall, that’s when Billy Mays performs best.”

So what do you guys think? Would Steve Carell do a good job playing Mays? Is there any truth to the rumors out there? Let us know what you think!

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