Ryan Reyonlds Next Film BURIED Will Be a One Man Show

by Joey Paur

Buried Ryan Reynolds

We reported last week that Ryan Reynolds was going to star in a new low budget indie film called Buried. The premise of the film sounded very interesting and I knew from the description it was going to be a one man show. The story centers on a civilian contractor who is kidnapped and buried alive in Iraq with only a cell phone, candle and knife at hand.

Reynolds recently did an interview that aired on Australian TV and he expands on the situation of the film a little bit more.

'Buried' is the story about a guy whose buried (laughs). It's the only movie I've ever heard of with only one person in it. So it's just me, I'm the only person in the whole movie so, I don't know, we'll see. It's either going to be, you know, the greatest, most experimental cool movie ever made or god knows what.

So he will be the only person in the film, and that person will be in a coffin. I am extremely curious to see how this film will play out. The movie will be about 80 minutes of a guy in a coffin. I hope to hell he gets out alive! Being buried alive scares the hell out of me. But I'll watch a movie about it. The trades said that the film will allow him to...

...stretch his acting chops" as the film would be "one in which he holds the screen through most of the picture.

What are your thought on this movie? Can you think of any other one man shows?

Source: The Playlist

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