My Top 10 Action Figure Wishlist! 'That Hasn't Been Made'

by brians

Seriously, I think these should be action figures! Some will be, but I'm not telling which ones... yet!


10. The cast from Reaper(especially Jenny Wade's Nina)Both variants please,human and demon!


9. Family Guy/Star Wars figures! They aren't out yet are they? I'd know this!


8. Harry Warden aka The Miner from My Bloody Valentine,come on,another great costumed killer on the loose!


7. Behind The Mask's Leslie Vernon,if you see it you'll know why!


6. The cast from Chuck,um Sarah please!


5. The cast from True Blood

4. The creepy dead family from The Grudge,these figures need to have sound also,the cat screaming sounds and the what the heck ever she does when she opens her mouth!


3. Samara from The Ring


2. Victor Crowley(played by Kane Hodder) from Adam Green's fun filled frightfest film The Hatchet!


1. Christa Campbell's Milk Maiden from 2001 Maniacs and the soon to be seen 2001 Maniacs:Beverly Hellbillys.

So what do yall think? What can yall think of? Want to add something?

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