Viggo Mortenson doesn't want to make any more Movies!?
Say it ain't so! I hope this isn't true because we would lose one of the great actors in the world. But, it sounds like Viggo Mortensen is pretty serious. He recently did an interview with Men's journal where he talks about how draining and unhealthy it is when promoting his films. In the interview he claims that he's done with acting at least in the short term. He is also very aware that taking a break in Hollywood sometimes means that you might not get to come back. Here is a quote for Mortensen.
I have no plans to do another movie. I don’t know what’s going to happen. I’m open to seeing how I feel in a while, but right now I’m not saying yes to anything.
Back in April he gave an interview with the Times in which he said:
No more movies. I haven’t said yes to one in over a year. I’ve been in all these well-received movies and it seems like I should be doing some more, but there’s other things I want to do. It’s not the right time.
He said he didn't know when or if he would come back to making films. Throughout the years he has been offered tons of roles but has turned a vast majority of them down, because hes say's they were crap. He isn't in the business for the money, in fact he had this to say:
I don’t need the money. I only want enough money to live and to travel, to send my kid to school [his 20-year-old son Henry is at Columbia University in New York] and to contribute to society.
He mentioned that he’d be content if turning down films led to him never being offered them again. It's really sad because if he really doesn't choose to make movies again we loose a great actor. But it's good for him if he can relax do what he want's and live his life the way he wants to.
As for coming back for The Hobbit films... I bet he would make an exception if he really is taking the road to retirement. He has such a close connection with all of the people involved that it may be the one thing he breaks down to do.
What do you think of all this?
Source: FSR