Brad Pitt in Talks to play Moriarty in SHERLOCK HOLMES 2
Guy Ritchie's Sherlock Holmes doesn't hit theaters until this Christmas, but Warner Bros.' is already prepping up for the sequel. It isn't a surprise for the fact that Warners Bros. wanted to make Sherlock Holmes a franchise anyway. The studio has hired two writers to bring the sequel to life. Kieran and Michele Mulroney have been brought in to write the script. They also wrote the DC Comics Justin League: Mortal script that got thrown to the curb.
It was rumored not to long ago that Brad Pitt had filmed some scenes as Moriarty for the first film that has yet to come out. Warner Bros. quickly denied that the rumor was true. Moriarty will make a brief appearance in the film helping set up the sequel. But the people that know what's going on with this, claim that the character is in the shadows and unrecognizable. Now Hollywood Reporter reports that Brad Pitt has had discussions with producers to star as the great Holmes villain, Moriarty. No deal has been made yet, but he is talking with people about it.
Pitt and Ritchie both worked together on the film Snatch, and I think if they are looking to work together again this is the perfect opportunity.