No Frackin way! Nicolas Cage in Tim Burton's Superman Costume!
I honestly can't believe this! I looked at at this and thought, "there is no way in hell that this is real!" But apparently it really is real! I'm still not sure if it is legit, but it's still pretty damn funny. For those of you who don't know, there was a time when Tim Burton was going to direct a Superman movie and Nicolas Cage was cast as the Man of Steal, The script for Tim Burton's film was written by Kevin Smith and then rewritten by Wesley Strick. Thank the gods that this didn't happen! A test picture of Nic Cage in the Superman suit has leaked out, and holy hell does it look absolutely frightening.
Look at this! Look at it! Its Terrible! Were they high!? Is this even real? Everyone is saying it's real, but it looks like Nic Cage's head has been put on a toy Superman body??? What do you think? I have been told by several trusted people that this photo is real. The line across his neck is part of the costume, that is skin looking fabric below his neck, so his hairy chest dosen't show.
Here is the video the the picture came from.
Source: IGN