Will Arnett has a Dark & Serious role in JONAH HEX

Movie by Joey Paur

Will Arnett is a freakin' hilarious actor. When I look at the guy I can’t help but laugh, but as funny as he is there will be no funny business in the role he plays in the upcoming comic book adapted film Jonah Hex.

I was excited to hear that he was cast in the film and I wondered if he would bring a little comic relief to the movie, but it doesn’t sound like that is going to be the character he plays at all. In a recent interview with Superherohype he explains,

[My character] is much more serious, I hope. Otherwise I've failed miserably at my job. I play a guy who's in the Union army right after the Civil War. I enlistJonah Hex, played by Josh Brolin, to do our bidding for us and to track down John Malkovich.

Just in case you don’t know, Malkovich plays Quentin Turnbull, a former Confederate officer who harbors a vendetta against Hex for the death of his son during the war. Arnett continues saying.

Jonah Hex is a very kind of heavy movie. It's dark and actioney... [A] real fun, dark, sweaty movie.

Sweaty huh? I'm sure the guys won't be complaining about a sweaty Megan Fox running around on screen. It will be interesting to see Arnett pull off a serious role. My fear is I will find it funny watching him play a serious role. I love a good western, and Jonah Hex has all the makings of a great western genre film. I’m really excited to see this film as you can see it’s got a great cast, and a fun story.

What are your thoughts on Will Arnett playing a dark serious character in JONAH HEX?

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