Paramount Confirms TOP GUN 2 With Cruise Involved — GeekTyrant

Paramount Confirms TOP GUN 2 With Cruise Involved

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I am feeling the need for speed and so is Paramount Pictures.  They have plans to bring back the original Top Gun production team to bring a new film to the big screen.  The hope is to build a franchise out of the films.  The original film earned $353 million worldwide. In today's dollars that is equivalent to $699 million.  

According to Vulture:

Paramount Pictures has made offers to both producer Jerry Bruckheimer and director Tony Scott to follow up their action classic, and has a missile-lock on Oscar-winning screenwriter Christopher McQuarrie (The Usual Suspects) to update the script, one in which Tom Cruise’s Maverick would play a smaller role.

Tom Cruise is interested in a role of perhaps a flight instructor of something not as "obvious" and is willing to take a smaller role because of McQuarrie's involvement.  McQuarrie wrote the script for Wolverine and the studios are happy with it's outcome.  This is good because the world of military aviation has changed dramatically and he will have to put together a story that is in line with the times.  

Top Gun was a great movie going experience.  I remember seeing it twice in one day in theaters and watching it on VHS and then again on DVD when it came out.  I was always blown away by cool flying and action sequences.  Not only did Top Gun catapult Tom Cruise into super stardom it did it with a killer soundtrack.  

Are you excited for the possibility of a Top Gun 2?  Who would you like to see in a lead role as the top flying ace?

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