6-Page Preview of KICK-ASS 2: BALLS TO THE WALLS Comic Book!
Hey Gang! As you may have already know the first issue of Mark Millar and John Romita Jr.'s six-issue comic book sequel Kick-Ass 2: Balls to the Wall was released yesterday. If you haven't bought yourself a copy yet, or you you're just curious, here is the first 6 of pages of the 32 page of the comic.
I love this comic book, and I enjoyed the hell out of the movie! I really hope we get to see the sequel hit the big screen. The film didn't do to well at the box-office but it blew up in Blu-ray and DVD sales. I guess if we never see another movie made, at least we have the comic book, which in my opinion is really just as good.
Check it out and let us know what you think!