50 Disney Animated Movie Video Count Down
Disney Animation has released a cool little video celebrating their new animated film Tangled by doing a count down video of 49 Walt Disney animated features that have been produced over the past seventy years, from 1937’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs to 2010′s Tangled. The video they made is set to the Brandi Carlile song Dreams.
Hope you enjoy the video below!
Joey Paur
Co-Founder / Editor of GeekTyrant.com, and if you haven't noticed I write… a lot. Movies are my passion and I live and breathe all things geek. This site is part of my life's work, it's a part of me. I love what I do, and I enjoy sharing everything I can with you when it comes to movies and geekery. In my spare time I travel to the netherworlds to battle demons. @JoeyPaur | joeypaur@geektyrant.com