Song of the Shattered tells the story of a young woman who deals with mental and physical abuse and what's left in the aftermath. When road tripping couple June (Deneen Melody) and Eric (Brandon Slagle) pick up Angela (Devanny Pinn) as she's walking along side the road they sure didn't know how their lives would be affected. If they could rewind and change this moment in time they would as they will be introduced to a world of pain and suffering. Some lives will change forever and some will end.
Devanny Pinn's performance is nothing less than heartbreakingly spectacular. Her character Angela deals with an abusive spouse to the point she finally retaliates with murder. This story touches on a subject all too familiar with so many people dealing with verbal, physical, and psychological abuse. What happens is, Angela has gone through so much abuse she begins to mimic what has happened to her and she takes it out on innocents including Melanie (Tara Cardinal) who she has to take care of. Cardinal's performance as a mentally challenged young lady is another stand out in this film playing it with accuracy. Cardinal allows you to fall for her character and then watch as she innocently becomes a human punching bag for Pinn's character to physically vent on.
Song of the Shattered picks up where the Lifetime Movie of the Week leaves off or dares to take you! It shows you more and takes you deeper into the lives of those abused and the ones affected along the way.
Brandon Slagle also wrote the screenplay for Song of the Shattered with Wolfgang Meyer directing. The camera's eye closely catches all of the elements of abuse and moods as they spiral out of control. Devanny Pinn has several scenes that just stand out in the film including one with Deneen Melody's character that will leave you thinking "what the fuck just happened here?".
Song of the Shattered is simply a brutal and heartbreaking can't miss!