Disney Developing TRON TV Series?! And TRON LEGACY Trailer Details
According to an insider scoop at AICN Disney is so excited about what Tron Legacy has become that they are currently planning a new Tron TV series for 2011 / 2012. They don't say if the show will be live-action or animated, but the fact they are planning a TV show based on that world is awesome enough. Hopefully they go all out with it, and make it awesome.
I don't think it any surprise to learn that Disney is also planning yet another Tron film for 2013. This is something we've heard they wanted to do all along, they wanted to bring Tron in big franchise mode and it looks like Disney is following through with their plans.
Another AICN scooper who is a "highly trusted source" reveals when we will finally be able to see a full trailer for Tron Legacy. This is something we've all been eagerly anticipating! Now it looks like we'll get our first look at the official trailer at the beginning of Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland on March 5th, both in 3D and IMAX. The trailer will be 21/2 minutes long.
I can't wait to see what is in store for us!