Channing Tatum up for CAPTAIN AMERICA!? Come on People! Plus Female Leads that Have Tested
I think I threw up in my mouth a little bit when I read this news over at Deadline Hollywood. Channing Tatum was actually one of the first names rumored for the role, so is it possible that it's now actually happening? This is what's being reported, but I call shenanigans on this silly rumor. He sucked ass as Duke in G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra and he sucked ass in every other movie he's made. I seriously doubt Marvel is really considering him, they'd be shooting themselves in the foot because I don't see the fanboy community backing this decision at all. When rumors first started about this last year about his possible involvement the fans were outraged.
Back in November of last year Tatum was asked about the rumor of him playing Captain America and here was his priceless response.
Captain America? Oh my God! Oddly enough, I just got given a book - one of the painters came up and here gave me a book. I would think about it. Maybe it's destiny! I would definitely think about it - I just got done doing G.I. Joe, though. If Joe does well, and it doesn't seem to be the exact same story, then I would. I don't know. They seem to be very, very similar - almost identical. Except for the - I think he takes a serum? Like a strength serum? [But the WWII setting] could be very very cool.
Yeah, so let's hope this doesn't happen. I'm just getting sick of all the casting rumors. Tatum would be the worst possible decision for this movie.
As for the female lead of the film, Peggy, Marvel and Joe Johnston have supposedly tested British actresses Keira Knightley, Alice Eve and Emily Blunt. Blunt is supposedly the favorite in the group. As you may or may not know, she originally got the role of Black Widow in Iron Man 2, but Fox exercised an option it held on the actress and put her into Gulliver's Travels.Scarlett Johansson ended up playing Black Widow. So It makes sense that Marvel would like to bring her into Captain America.
Here's a little info on the character Peggy.
Peggy was a girlfriend of Captain America during World War II. She was also an American agent serving with the French Resistance. She has standard military training and is handy with a gun. She is also a competent spy and detective.
What are your thought's on Tatum now possibly in the running for Captain America? Or the three actresses up for the role of Peggy?