Must Watch: The State of The Internet in Less than 4-Minutes
Here's an extremely concise look at the state of the Internet. You could discuss and predict the internet trends, breakthroughs and follies until you're blue in the face, but to plainly look at the staggering numbers that make up the domestic and worldwide use of the internet, is just plain shocking.
The video below, designed by Jesse Thomas for his lecture at AIGA Baltimore in Feb 2010, is guaranteed to have you uttering "holy crap" or some exclamatory phrase of shock, at least half a dozen or more times... it did for me anyway. It covers everything from the use and misuse of e-mail, to the insane amount of uploaded photos to Facebook, and a bunch of other crazy facts about internet use.
This is very well put together, easy on the eyes and ears, (no crappy rock music), and it plays out pretty much like a commercial you'd see on TV, minus the narration, and something they're trying to sell you.
Watch the video below, get your bit of enlightenment for the day, and sound off in the rant back section below.