Angelina Jolie to Play Maleficent in Tim Burton's MALEFICENT?
We recently discussed the fact that Disney is moving forward with developing a new project for Tim Burton called Maleficent. The film tells the story of Sleeping Beauty through the eyes of the evil villain Maleficent. Alice in Wonderland and Beauty and the Beast Screenwriter Linda Woolverton was recently brought on board to write the script. Now the LA Times is saying that Disney may have cast their Maleficent, and I'm happy to tell you it's not Helena Bonham Carter.
Rumor has it that Angelina Jolie could very well end up playing the part of one of the most evil villains of all time, and I gotta say, she'd be perfect for it. There's no solid deal in place right now for her or Burton, but according to sources she is actively engaging with the material, and may end up staring in the film when it's all said and done. She's got nothing going on after she's finished filming The Tourist, so who knows, maybe she'll jump on board and fully commit to it.
What do you all think about the possibility of Angelina Jolie playing Maleficent?