KICK-ASS Extended Red-Band Clip - Big Daddy gets Violent
Here's an extended red-band clip from the Matthew Vaughn-directed adaptation of Mark Millar's Kick-Ass. The clip has brief appearances by Mark Strong as Frank D'Amico and Christopher Mintz-Plasse as Red Mist, but it's Nic Cage who is center stage for this clip, as he completely destroys everything and everyone in his way.
As you know, Cage plays Big-Daddy, an ex-cop whose hatred of a drug lord (Strong) forces him to train his daughter (Chloe Moretz) to be a lethal vigilante. Big-Daddy may look like Batman, but he doesn't fight or act like him at all, most notably because he uses a gun, but he also kills the crap out of dudes. In this clip he's out in the open for all to see and for all to shoot at him, which they do several times -- no lurking in the shadows for a stealth take down for him -- but sure enough... he kicks some ass, and he's efficient as hell at doing it.
The jump-cut editing and the stirring music give this sequence a sick to your stomach feeling, that you can't help but watch over and over again.
The video premiered at MSN, but I've also embedded the clip below:
Kick-Ass hits theaters April 16th!