Out this week on Blu-Ray and DVD 4.27.10

Trailer DVDBlu-ray by Mars

Why hellllooooOoOoOOo there people! I hope people are doing well. I am just reporting in with the movies for the week! Slim pickings! Although, there is a lesbian vampire movie....

Anyways, I have heard from a few people that read my article that they would like my opinion on the movies I post on here so I am going to try and add a opinion or two every week. My time to watch movies is somewhat limited since I read way too many books BUT I will do my best to at least watch a couple.

I have picked a few movies to highlight this week and the rest I will just post links since they are small, relatively unknown titles. There are however a bunch of movies that are being released this week on Blu-Ray that I would like to see!

First up!

It's Complicated

Ten years after their divorce, Jane (Meryl Streep) and Jake (Alec Baldwin) enjoy an amicable friendship. When the two unite for their son's college graduation, their romance is rekindled. But Jake is married, and Jane's architect, Adam (Steve Martin), has a thing for her. Now cheating on the younger woman for whom he left Jane, Jake wants his ex-wife back. But Jane's busy getting to know Adam. Nancy Meyers (Something's Gotta Give) wrote and directed this Golden Globe-nominated comedy.

Starring: Meryl Streep, Alec Baldwin
Director: Nancy Meyers

There's a few things to be said here. I LOVE Alec Baldwin. He is hilarious and therefore most things if not everything he is in is AMAZING.

Also, This movie was very funny and Meryl Streep is great in it and the guy from The Office (John Krasinski) is as always adorable and a great supporting character.


The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus

Christopher Plummer and Heath Ledger star in this quirky fantasy from director Terry Gilliam. When a deal with the devil comes due, the immortal Doctor Parnassus (Plummer) must renegotiate the pact to save his daughter. Now, with the help of his mystical theater troupe and a mysterious stranger, Parnassus attempts to right the wrongs of his past. The Oscar-nominated film is Ledger's last, with Johnny Depp, Colin Farrell and Jude Law all completing his role.

Starring: Christopher Plummer, Lily Cole
Director: Terry Gilliam

So they took Heath, Johnny, Colin and Jude and rolled them all up so that Heath's part would be complete. That's kind of a cool way to finish it and I am not really sure how much of the movie Heath actually shot before he died. To me the movie looks strange but it may be a really cool movie so please if it is let me know so I can watch it!

The Descent 2

In this gruesome thriller, blood-drenched Sarah Carter (Shauna MacDonald) surfaces as the lone escapee from the savage cave-dwelling Crawlers that terrorized her and five others. Traumatized and unable to explain the nightmare, she must return to help find her friends. But it's not long before the search team becomes the Crawlers' fresh prey. And Sarah once again battles to cheat death, as she clings to the hope that her friends are alive.

Starring: Shauna MacDonald, Natalie Jackson Mendoza
Director: Jon Harris

I am a pansy. I don't watch scary movies. I tried to watch the first Descent once and could not get past the group of woman having some sort of slumber party. I was bored. (I may or may not have been looking for a reason to stop watching before it got scary.) To be fair I heard once you get past that part it gets really scary and is a good scary movie. I am pretty sure this second one is not as good as the first. At least that is what my friend that watched it told me. Here's the trailer though so you can judge for yourselves.


Here's the other smaller titles out this week on DVD and Blu-Ray.



District 13: Ultimatum

Life Blood        <---------Lesbian Vampires.

Disgrace   (John Malkovich is in this it could be awesome.)

Georgia O'Keeffe   (This has Jeremy Irons and Joan Allen in it which means it could be good.)


Out this week on Blu-Ray!

I am going to have to say that I want to see all of these movies on Blu-Ray and can't wait. 

(I am practicing my so so Photoshop skills with this uh collage of this weeks Blu-Ray DVD's.)



Thanks for taking the time to read my article and look for my game article this Wednesday!



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