Homer Simpson Named Greatest Film/TV Icon of the last 20 Years

TVMovie by Joey Paur

According to a survey conducted by Entertainment Weekly of the best TV and film characters of the past two decades Homer Simpson has been named the greatest character in the last 20 years! This makes perfect sense, The Simpsons has been around for over twenty years and Homer is a character that we've all grown up with that we've all come to know and love. Homer's creator Matt Groening told the New York Post,

People can relate to Homer because we're all secretly propelled by desires we can't admit to. Homer is launching himself head-first into every single impulsive thought that occurs to him. His love of whatever has caught his eye is a joy to witness.

It really is. Homer is an incredibly hilarious character, and I have yet to meet someone that doesn't like Homer Simpson. Who did Homer beat out for the top spot? Well here are the rest of the top 10...

2. Harry Potter

3. Buffy the Vampire Slayer

4. Tony Soprano

5. The Joker (as played by Heath Ledger)

6. Rachel from Friends

7. Edward Scissorhands

8. Hannibal Lecter

9. Carrie Bradshaw

10. SpongeBob Squarepants

Homer beat out some other great characters, but his win is very much deserved, and I'm completely happy that he took the top spot. Here are a couple little videos highlighting some of Homers funny moments. Enjoy!

What do you think about Homer being voted the greatest film/TV icon of the last 20 years?


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