Patrick Dempsey wants to Play Dr. Strange
Earlier this week it was announced that Marvel Entertainment hired a couple of screenwriters to take a crack at the live-action Dr. Strange film which I'm really excited about! I'm really looking forward to seeing Dr. Strange brought to life, but not in the form of Patrcik Dempsey.
After it was announced that Marvel was moving forward with Dr. Strange, Bleeding Cool reported that the Grey's Anatomy star expressed interest in playing the title character.
Patrick Dempsey, really wants to play a different kind of Doctor. Doctor Strange. And comics artist-working-in-Hollywood Arne Starr seems to agree, whipping up this piece of art that got Dempsey seen by Marvel Studios.
I can't help but think this is a joke, but if it's for real, and he ended up getting the part... that would suck. I'm just not a big fan of Dempsey and I don't think he has what it takes to play Dr. Strange. What do you all think?