Psychologists Analyze Darth Vader and Determine that he was Mentally Ill
It looks like a group of French psychologists had some time on their hands because they recently took the time to analyze the psychological behavior of the sith lord Darth Vader, and they determind that he was mentally ill. Do ya think? I think it's just common sense that Darth Vader was a little nuts.
They said he probably has what's called a borderline personality, described as "a prolonged disturbance of personality function in a person (generally over the age of eighteen years, although it is also found in adolescents), characterized by depth and variability of moods."
This study will be published in the journal Psychiatry Research, but LiveScience got itself a little preview:
Skywalker hit six out of the nine borderline personality disorder criteria as defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition (DSM-IV). He only needed to meet five criteria to qualify as suffering from the disorder.
For instance, the future Darth Vader showed both impulsivity and anger management issues as an overexcited, lovelorn Jedi. He went back and forth between idealizing and devaluing Jedi mentors, such as a humorless young Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Abandonment issues also surfaced. Skywalker had a permanent fear of losing his wife, Padme Amidala, and he went so far as to betray his Jedi mentors and companions to try to prevent her death.
Two displays of dissociative episodes took place when Skywalker tried to distance himself from stressful events. The first episode took place after he slaughtered a local tribe of Tuskens responsible for his mother's death. A second episode occurred following his murderous rampage among young Jedi trainees, as he voiced paranoid thoughts about Obi-Wan Kenobi and his wife.
Lastly, any "Star Wars" fan would recognize Skywalker's identity issues and uncertainty about who he was. His fateful turn to the dark side and change of name to Darth Vader could represent the ultimate sign of such identity disturbance, the researchers said.
Maybe in the full review they will mention that fact that Vader also tortured people, destroyed planets, and killed his co-workers by choking them to death with the force. Not to mention, he got in a major fight with his son in which he ended up cutting off his hand. Of course Vader had issues! I'm no psychologist, but I think Vader had a little bit more wrong with him than just a borderline personality... the guy was insane!
What do you think of this study?