You Wont Be Seeing any Rated 'R' Footage of PIRANHA 3D at Comic-Con

Movie Comic-Con by Joey Paur

I was actually really looking forward to seeing what is in store for us with this Piranha 3D movie that's been getting a lot of buzz. I love what I've seen so far! It looks like a its going to be a fun gore-feast horror flick.

I don't know if you noticed or not, but the listing for the Piranha 3D panel was recently pulled from the Comic-Con schedule, and it was thought at first to have been banned. Paul Sheer who appeared in the film said this:

Piranha 3D has been banned from this year’s Comic Con Convention in San Diego for being too “Intense” and “NOT FAMILY FRIENDLY”

So the footage that they wanted to show was just way to crazy. It's not that the movie is banned though, the panel could still happen. HitFix talked with Comic-Con director David Glazner who gave the following explanation:

My understanding is that thee footage wasn’t all ages appropriate. We don’t check ID to get into those meeting rooms, so we don’t want something inappropriate.

So whatever they were going to show us was just way too hardcore for the kids. It makes sense that they don't want to scar the children in the audience for life. So they want the Weinstein Company to put together a new reel closer to a PG PG-13 type rating. They could have done the panel with no footage but TWC decided not to do that, so hopefully they splice together a new reel and get the panel back on the schedule because I'd love to go to it.

They can always release the exclusive rated 'R' footage online the same day as the panel. 

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