Pixar Films Getting 3D Re-Releases

Movie 3DPixarAnimated by Joey Paur

Pixar has decided to start converting a few of their classic CGI animated films into 3D, and then re-release them so we can pay $20 bucks to see them again in a different dimension. I don't think so, as much as I love Pixar's films I'm not going to go out and pay more money to see them in 3D. I saw Toy Story 3 in 3D and didn't even really notice the 3D. So here is what Pixar's plans are for the 3D re-releases.

Ratatouille is one that we’re exploring doing [3D conversion on] and Brad Bird is very open to some changes, you know, some very subtle changes but slight reframings. If a character’s reaching forward and a pinky goes off screen, we’ll adjust the camera and the character a little bit to have the hand on. So that said, if the director’s open to minor modifications on a library title then that’s wonderful and we’re really excited about doing that.

So Ratatouille will be the first of I'm sure several more Pixar 3D releases. As for some of their upcoming film projects to be released in 3D we have Cars 2, Brave, and the live-action film John Carter of Mars to look forward to.

What do you all think about Pixar re-releasing some of their older films in 3D? Is it worth it?

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