More Preliminary Artwork From 'GOLDILOCKS IN ZOMBIE LAND': Introducing Queen Rapunzel

ArtComic Book by brians

Ok peeps, here's another sneak peak from the upcoming comic series I'm involved with. My pal Dai Green from is portraying Queen Rapunzel. Stay tuned for more artwork and bios coming your way!

Comic Book Divas owner Jeff Hughes and artist Jason Dube are proud to reveal the preliminary art for "Queen Rapunzel" fromn 'Goldilocks in Zombie Land' which is portrayed by Dai Green.

This is a very preliminary look at "Queen Rapunzel" as you can see creator and writer Jeff Hughes and artist Jason Dube took more a traditional path to Queen Rapunzel's costume but readers can expect more of a slight up to date look.

We went for this look since after all she is the Queen of this story book world so she had to look very elegant but also maintain that sexy confident look something that both the fairy tale character and Dai Green both have in common.

Queen Rapunzel may look very prim and proper but this version of Rapunzel can and will kick major zombie butt all while her crown stays on her head!

Be sure to keep updated with more news on "Goldilocks In Zombie Land" by following us on FaceBook, Myspace, Twitter and even at

No author bio. End of line.
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