CAPTAIN AMERICA Battle Scenes to Be Filmed in Caerwent
Here's a little update on the filming of Marvel's Captain America: The First Avenger. It was reported awhile back that the film would start production on June 28th which was a little over a week ago. Some things have changed with the shooting schedule location wise, but it was recently revealed where the battle sequences of the film will be taking place. On Location Vacation reports,
‘Captain America’ will be rolling into town in September and will be closing down streets in the northern quarter area of the city including Tariff St, Back Piccadilly and Hilton St. I work in the area and have spoken to people who have received notifications of filming in September.Production will then move to Caerwent, South Wales for 2 weeks to film war scenes.
Caerwent is a village surrounded with ancient walls, and is full of open fields great for filming epic battle scenes between the Nazis and Captain America.
The film is being directed Joe Johnston and stars Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan (Bucky Barnes), Hayley Atwell (Peggy Carter), Hugo Weaving (Red Skull), Tommy Lee Jones (Gen. Chester Philips), Stanley Tucci (Dr. Abraham Erskine), Neal McDonough (Dum Dum Dugan), Dominic Cooper (Howard Stark), Toby Jones (Arnim Zola) and Samuel L. Jackson (Nick Fury). The highly anticipated comic book film is set to hit theaters on July 22, 2011.
I'm really hoping we get to see some footage from the film at Comic-Con this year. At least some actual images of the actors in full costume!
Here's a photo of the Caerwent area