Hack vs. Snack: HI-CHEW Candy

Rant by bobneek

Are you craving something chewy and delicious? Are you getting sick of Starburst and Skittles (rare but possible)? Do you like adventure? Well if you said yes to any of the first two questions, then I have something you need to get your hands on...

Hi-Chew candy from Japan is one of the best sugary treats on the market. If you've had a piece of the delectable fruit chew, then you probably finished off the rest of the pack (or bulk box from Costco) before you realized what had happened. These bite-sized pieces of chewy goodness hit the spot every single time. Try crossing Starburst with Laffy Taffy. Some people call it "edible gum", which is way better than it sounds. You may like some flavors more than others, the general consensus being that Strawberry is the best flavor. While the stateside flavor options are only 5 strong, more flavors are definitely making their way over the Pacific (via online orders).

Advertised as "Japan's #1 selling Fruit Chew for more than 30 years" Hi-Chew has close to 30 flavors.

Where can you buy this highly addictive snack? You can find the stuff at 7-11, Costco, AM-PM/Arco, and many other major supermarkets. It may be a little hard to find at first, but it is well worth the effort! You won't be sorry that you polished off an entire pack in a matter of seconds. If you can't find it at any of the above locations, lots of retailers are selling it on Amazon.

Visit hi-chew.com for more info on the candy and where to find it. You can also try the HI-Chew Challenge, which is stuffing at least 20 pieces in your mouth then trying to chew. In the mean time, enjoy this Japanese Hi-Chew commercial. (YouTube is loaded with great Hi-Chew commercials and videos).


Have you tried Hi-Chew? Are you as addicted to it as I am?

Have you tried the challenge? Why are long pants long?

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