FANTASTIC FEST 2010 Day one Pictures featuring LET ME IN, BURIED and MOTHER'S DAY
Fantastic Fest Kickoff
It was an epic kickoff to Fantastic Fest at The Paramount Theatre last night. This year, Fantastic Fest is spotlighting the incredible genre films of Norway and after last night's Viking war dance/karoake concert we hope they allow us to do it again some time in the future! Fantastic Fest founder Tim League ripped off a velcro-suit to reveal not-so-modest Viking battle gear. He was joined on stage by Fantastic Fest staff and special guest Eugenio Mira, whose film Agnosia is playing at the fest. It also happened to be Eugenio's birthday and as a sign of gratitude for his wonderful support of the festival (his film The Birthday showed at the very first Fantastic Fest six years ago).

Let Me In
After the Viking dance things switched gears to a more serious note when the Texas Boys Choir performed music from the score of Let Me In. Director Matt Reeves & Academy Award-winning composer Michael Giacchino introduced the Texas Boys Choir, who gave a haunting choral performance prior to the screening of the incredible film.

Ryan Reynolds and director Rodirgo Cortes walked the red carpet for Buried. Ryan also had the chance to meet the four people who endured being buried in custom built coffins for the chance to attend the gala event. Video from their ordeal below as well!

Mother's Day
Rebecca DeMornay, Jaime King, Frank Grillo, Scott Milam (writer) and Darren Bousman (director) walked the red carpet for Mother's Day. Darren treated all of the screening attendees to a motherly treat of milk and cookies.