Sundance 2011: Don Cheadle Talks about A WAR MACHINE Movie!

You knew this would happen, that Don Cheadle aka Colonel James Rhodes 2 would hopefully be bringing us a spin-off the fans would actually want makes my little black heart a kind of happy. Cheadle talked to MTV at Sundance 2011 where the question was brought up asking him if we would ever see a War Machine spin-off;
"They're developing it now, they're working on that. I think they've hired a writer, so we'll see how it goes. It would be a lot of fun."
Cheadle was also asked if War Machine would show up in the already crowded Avengers movie, he had this to say;
"I think he's kind of a lone wolf."
So, no War Machine in The Avengers but a movie seems likely because there's already that strong rumor that thewriter has been hired. As a fan of the War Machine comic books and him being a "good bad guy" I'm stoked that we might see a movie a few years down the road. Watch the video interview below.