Unused Sundance Film Festival Movie Bumpers
Here's a collection of fun movie bumpers that were created for this year's 2011 Sundance Film Festival, but unfortunately weren't used. For those of you who don't know what a bumper is, it's a short little video opening/introduction that represents the theme of the festival; this year's theme was "Be Here". Apparently the bumpers were cancelled at the last minute by the top Sundance authorities. There was no real reason given as to why other than they were "too edgy." This doesn't make sense, because almost every freakin' film shown at Sundance is very edgy! Do they not watch the films they accept? We ended up with a fun little flash animated snowflake thing that everyone had gotten very tired of seeing by the end of the festival.
The four bumpers below were created by Jeremy Konner, who won last year’s short films jury prize with Drunk History: Douglass & Lincoln, with Don Cheadle and Will Ferrell. It's kind of disappointing that these shorts were axed at the last minute.
Watch the unused Sundance film bumpers below and tell us what you think.
Swag Hags:
Hollywood Remake:
Flight Attendant: