Andrew Stanton gives an Update on JOHN CARTER OF MARS
I'm really looking forward to seeing what Andrew Stanton has planned for his adaptation the Edgar Rice Burroughs novel John Carter of Mars, which follows a Civil War veteran who becomes a hero on Mars. The film wont be coming out until March 12th 2012, so we have a very long time to wait.
The film stars Taylor Kitsch, Lynn Collins, Mark Strong, Domenic West, Willem Dafoe, and Thomas Hayden Church. It was Co-written by Michael Chabon. Check out what Stanton had to say about the movie below, and let us know what you think.
As far as where the production currently stands Stanton says,
I’m not in post-production — I’m in digital principal photography now, which goes on for the rest of 2011, so I’m only halfway through the movie.
Stanton comes from a animation directing background, this is his first live-action film, and he talks about what it's like for him.
When you’ve made animated movies your whole life, it was pretty exciting to be outside for a day, let alone for months. For as cold and as hot and as hard as it was, which I knew it would be, I was up for it and it was a blast. It was the hardest thing I’ll ever have done, but man, it was a great adventure. It was like sailing across the ocean, you know, everything that goes with that.
He goes on to talk about the story of the movie Taylor Kitsch,
Hopefully he’ll be another great face on the big screen, and hopefully he’ll be John Carter to people and nobody else if we’ve done it right.
As for the look of the film Stanton said,
I didn’t try to make it look like anything else. I really tried to make it its own thing. I tried to make a very historically accurate Martian film if that makes sense, so I’ll let you decipher that.
An historically accurate Martian film? What in th hell does that even mean!? I imagine that it will have that classic retro 1940's -50's pulp art comic style and setting. I guess well eventually find out what Stanton has planned, until then, thank goodness we have out imaginations.