Russian Scientists: "We Haves Proof Of Yeti!"
Indisputable evidence to be exact. The proof? Not in pudding. Instead? A cave dwelling featuring clumps of grayish fur, a makeshift bed, and a humongous ass footprint that would make any man self conscious.
But it wouldn't be a claim of a "scientific breakthrough" without the truck loads of skepticism and disproval that come along with it would it? So here we go...
Word is on the interwebs that many cryptozooologists (which is sketchy enough because how many of those guys do you ever meet) claim it is nothing more than bear fur. The spot where the Yeti was found also happens to be an abandoned mining area which lies in an impoverished area in desperate need of tourism (then again you could make the argument all of Russia is impovershed). Finally, there is a professional Russian boxer endorsing the site...and it isn't Ivan Drago.
Why is this important? Well the boxer in question, Nikolai Valuyev also happens to be running for political office in the motherland...which causes analysts to speculate this as just a media stunt to get his name in the papers. Make sense? Ask Vladimir Putin, who "accidently" uncovered a 6th century artifact on live television.
So maybe they found one...maybe they didn' theory? The Yeti jumped off the cliff side to evade capture and lived to see another day? Know why?
"Cuz Bumbles bounce." Yukon Cornelius- 1964 Twitter: @MickJoest