Christopher Nolan Discusses STAR WARS
Check out this great video interview where Dark Knight and Inception director Christopher Nolan takes time to geek out and talk about Star Wars and discusses what character he identifies with the film - Han Solo or Luke Skywalker. I love seeing interviews like this because it shows us that even though directors like this have big names and make a lot of money they are still movie geeks just like the rest of us. The video is a deleted scene from a documentary called These Amazing Shadows, watch it below and tell us what you think!
Here's a synopsis of the documentary:
Basically what you take out of These Amazing Shadows is that our films are the “family album” of the world. Due of the National Film Registry, people who live generations from now will know about our society because of the films that were made. It’s a very cool and inspiring concept that might not have needed a 90 minute movie to describe, but for 90 minutes, you’ll revel in how much you love movies.