Mark Hamill Retires Voice Acting The Joker/Moving On To Directing
"I would laugh too if an acid bath only bleached my skin."
After donning his voice to numerous tv episodes, feature length animated adventures, and video games (including Arkham Asylum 2), Mark Hamill announced today that he will no longer be voicing The Joker.
Sad news indeed, as a fan of the animated series and games, I will most likely not the first to say that whoever steps in his place can only at best mimic the role of Joker that Hamill has perfected better than any other over the years.
Now Heath Ledger nation can rain down on me for saying he is not the reigning Joker of all time, but lets give credit where credit is due shall we? Here's a comparison of Heath Ledger and Jack Nicholson laughing in their respective psycho clown personas.
Now Hamill.
I think you see my point. In more promising and less shoving my face full of gummy bears to quench the sorrow news, Hamill reported he was interested in doing more directing after helming his first motion picture Comic Book: The Movie (2005), and has current plans to direct an adaptation of one of his graphic novels, The Black Pearl.
So what about acting? (drum roll please) Hamill is in talks to appear in an independent film based off the comic series "New-Gen"!
So you heard my opinion on the best Joker, now what's yours? Comment below!
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