PET SEMATARY - Horror Films The Changed My Life #2

Movie by Joey Paur

I had nightmares for months after watching the film adaptation of Stephen King's Pet Sematary. This film scared the shit out of me. There were so many horrific moments in the film thy have been seared into my memory. I remember every moment, every emotion and every scare I had when watching it for the first time. The story and the themes of this film shook me to the core. Mind you, the first time I saw it I was just a kid, but this shit stuck with me.

You bury the dead on an ancient Indian burial ground and it comes back to life completely evil. Why would anyone do that! If only they would have listened to Judd's words of wisdom... "Sometimes, dead is better." Yeah! Much better than having your dead 2 year old son come back to life to slice you up with a scalpel! That kid who played Gage in the film was so damn scary. Evil children just do sit well with me, especially when they are dressed up like dolls. One of the worst feelings was watching this kid slice the hell out of Herman Munster.

First I play with Judd, then Mommy came, and I play with Mommy. We play Daddy! We had a awfully good time! Now, I want to play with YOU!

I've gotta say the most frightening part of the movie was the character Zelda, the character Rachel's sister. The girl that was all twisted up in bed and you call out... Raaaacheel! There was one moment where she was crouched down in the corner of a room and looked over and came right up to the camera screaming...  "Never get out of bed again."

That moment jacked me up. To this day when all the lights are out I will look over into the dark corner of my room waiting for Zelda to appear and start yelling in my face. I couldn't sleep with the lights off for weeks because of this character. It probably didn't help the I kept watching the movie over and over again.

To this day a still get a little freaked out when I watch this movie. In my experience with it, this movie is truly terrifying to me.

Here's the Trailer for the film:

Here's a fun fan made trailer:

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