Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson will star in the live-action adventure feature film adaptation of the comic book mini series The Monster Hunter’s Survival Guide created by Paul Russ. The series is basically a comprehensive guide to hunt monsters, the undead, unnatural beasts, and survive the confrontations.

The most successful and best movie role that Johnson had in the last few years was in Fast Five, which brought in $626 million world wide. He's currently shooting G.I. Joe 2: Retaliation in which he plays Roadblock. After that he starts shooting Snitch, where he plays a man who turns DEA informant to reduce his son’s prison sentence.

This sounds like it could end up being a fun movie. At this point it all depends on who is brought in to direct it. As for Johnson, I can see him beating the hell out horde of monsters. This might be a good role from him. What do you think?

Here's a description from the book:

Monsters surround us. They're everywhere; on TV, in movies... they haunt our nightmares. But are they real? Do Vampires, Werewolves, and Zombies really exist? And if so, how can we survive against them? At last here is the comprehensive guide every Monster Hunter must have! Whether you're a weekend Bigfoot hunter or a hardcore Vampire slayer you simply can't afford not to own this book. The Monster Hunters Survival Guide will not only instruct you on how to be the first to catch one of these mysterious Cryptids - but it's the only way you'll be able to survive the experience!

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