Michael Rosenbaum will Officially Return to SMALLVILLE as Lex Luthor!

For those of you Smallville fans out there hoping that Michael Rosenbaum would return to Smallville as Lex Luthor for the final season, your wish has been granted! There have been rumors floating around the net recently that said he would not be returning to the role, but I'm excited to tell you that those rumors are wrong because according to the producers... he will be back!

As a fan of Smallville, I'm extreamley excited about this! The show had to have him come back in the end or it wouldn't have been right. His deal to return was officially signed tonight, the deal is done and set in stone, and here's what the producers Kelly Souders and Brian Peterson told Deadline, 

It feels like the stars are aligning, literally. We couldn't be more excited about having Michael back. And as far as the way he returns … there'll be no doubt about how Lex becomes the great rival in Clark Kent's life. He is the villain of the story.

Rosenbaum had this to say about his return in a statement,

I'm simply doing it for all of the fans out there who made Smallville the great success it is. I appreciate all of their passion, their relentlessness and even their threats. Ha ha. I can't wait to hug the old crew back in Vancouver one last time and see all of my old friends once again..... Oh, and for Lex to become the badass he's destined to be.

Fan-freakin-tastic! I can't wait for this finale! Who else is excited for Rosenbaums return?

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